Check out the most frequently asked questions about our events and our group.

How much do you charge for appearances?

All of our appearances are made free of charge. We appreciate donations to charity on behalf of our volunteers. Significant donations to charities (especially children’s charities) can be a major motivator for our volunteers to sign up to attend events. 

Where should I request an event? Do I need to request from each of the different groups?

Star Wars Oregon is made up of Cloud City Garrison and Kashyyyk Base. Whether you request an appearance through SWO, the 501st Legion, or the Rebel Legion, we’re the one group that receives it. If you’ve requested an appearance through one of these groups, there’s no benefit to requesting through another.

Can you guarantee specific characters will attend my event?

We would love to know your favorite characters and will do our best to encourage volunteers with those costumes to sign up for your event, however, we cannot guarantee specific characters for any event.

Can I rent or buy a costume from you or someone in your group?

Our costumes are handmade and sized to their specific owners. Each of our volunteers spends hundreds or thousands of their own dollars to build their costumes. For these reasons, we do not rent or sell our costumes.

How much does it cost to build a costume and join your group?

Depending on your skill level and desire to learn how to build your own costume, costumes generally range from $150+ to over $5,000. We would love to help you choose and create the best costume for your budget, ability, and desired character!

I don't know where to start, but I want to be a part of this! Help?

Sign up for an account on our forum and introduce yourself! While you’re working on your costume, you can join us at events as a spotter, which will give you an opportunity to meet current members and get a feel for how our events work.

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